How I wish I had taken or could take a class in it!! There's an exercise in "Acrylics for Dummies" that does a one color, two color, and three color paintings. Essentially you do three paintings of the same scene but with one color, then it's complimentary color, and finally three colors or you can use the whole spectrum. So I started with a single color exercise in Ultramarine Blue. Only white, ultramarine, and black were used. Pretty excited how it came out. I may just use Ultramarine Blue for a number of works so I can really get a feel and understanding of this color.
Motivation to paint tomorrow? I put a large glob of paint on my Stay-Wet palette that I desperately need to use so I don't feel like I'm wasting it. So will definitely have to paint tomorrow, darn it! ;)
Feels good to paint again. As the blogs name points out, I was interrupted by life (again). I knocked out a first draft for a manuscript submission, paid the bills, and other general household hold ups. My husband also gave me a "bedtime". I need to be in bed no later than 9:30pm otherwise I can't make it through the day. Thank goodness for Tazo "Awake" tea. Kinda sad, but when I didn't make an effort I'd be up way too late. Since completing this one piece took 2.5hrs, I can paint catch up on a little TV then go to bed. I want to make this a daily habit. Just need to make the commitment and stick with it!
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