I've started a FolioTwist site. FolioTwist.com is a site and service that provides professional personal artist websites. It's designed by the same guys who are responsible for EmptyEasel.com (a personal fave of mine). They have a 10 day Free Trial where it allows you to start, design, and upload your own work for display. It can even link a Paypal account to make the purchase of your works a whole heck of a lot easier. I'm still in my trial window, but I think I may make it permanent.
Their current promotion is what peaked my interest. They state that in light of the economy and the fact that many artists really love FolioTwist but can't afford the $45/mo fee for the site, they are doing a pricing experiment. So what they've come up with is, start the free trial, decide if you like it, and then submit a REASONABLE offer as to how much you'd be willing to pay per month. They also send a weekly how-to email that tells you all about site promotion and how to really optimize the site and its feature to your full advantage.
By the way, totally posting this because I wanted too and under absolutely no coercion from the website. I just think it's pretty cool!
Quick note about what's happening with me.
I've been on vacation for pretty much the past 3 weeks, and driving took up at least 2 of them. Needless to say, not a lot of work getting done. However, I plan to pick it back up this week (sometime). I've received some pretty positive feedback about my painting, in particular Landscape #2. So that is quite encouraging. I was starting to feel that my painting just wasn't worth the bulk of my time. I switched back to Prismacolor Color Pencils because I feel "safe" with them. I felt I could produce more finished and successful pieces with this medium, and I think I did. With all of the positive comments though, I think I might give the paints another try.
I really just want to feel validated as an artist. I'm not "formally" trained nor have any fancy art degrees. I have the confidence from my friends and family and some past successes to keep trying. I may even submit some more work to another contest, because why the hell not!?
All in due time I guess...
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